Thursday 12 June 2014

Make Facebook Infinitely Better With Social Fixer Browser Extension

Either we are on Mobile or surfing internet from desktop PC, Facebook is one of the favorite place for us to spend time on. The social network doesn’t change itself more for mobile users, but for desktops, it is coming again and again with more updates very frequently. New updates are not making anything good instead, they are making Facebook more cluttered and preplexed. So people who browse Facebook from PC or Laptops are suffering.
If you are among this category of Facebook users then to make Facebook more interesting for you, you might have used Facebook customizers, changed your account’s settings, etc. Those things doesn’t seems to work? Well here is a powerful browser extension “Social Fixer for Facebook” that lets you to make Facebook infinitely better for you.
Social Fixer Feat
Social Fixer is a free browser extension available for Google Chrome, FireFox, Safari and Opera web browser. To start using it, you first need to visit it’s extension download page and install extension on your web browser.

How To Make Facebook Better with Social Fixer?

Social Fixer developers understand the fact that Facebook users are annoyed more by it’s current news feed style then layout.In there views, Facebook news feed should be:
Dear facebook
As, Facebook doesn’t mind any request like this one. So, they have developed there own extension to encounter this problem. Not only Facebook news feeds, Social Fixer also allows you to customize its layout to by providing different Facebook themes and powerful customization options such as: change font size, customize chat list and chat box, add custom styling.
See full features of Social Fixer below!

Why Social Fixer is Best Facebook Customizer?

If you just search your browser’s extension library for Facebook customizer, you can find lots of Facebook customizer extensions but they either help you in eliminating some content (such as ads or any section of your Facebook webpage) or add themes but social fixer lets you to do a lot of more things both for customizing Facebook as well as making it much easier for you to surf.
Here are some great features of Social Fixer that embrasses other similar extensions.

1. Make Your Facebook News Feed Better

Social Fixer provides powerful filtering capabilities to create rules that process the posts in your feed and show you only those updates that you really want to watch/read.Organize your feed into tabs to group posts into categories.

2. Hide Read Stories/Updates

Another cool feature that Social Fixer is providing for your Facebook feed is to let you hide those updates and stories that you’ve already read. This option is similar to email/gmail inbox where you can see how many total email you have and how many new (unread) emails you’re left with, in this format: (2/48) – 2 unread, 48 total feed updates.

3. Zoom Photos Just By Hovering Your Mouse Cursor

With Social Fixer, whenever a profile pic or photo appears on your Facebook, you don’t need to click on the pic to zoom it and see its enlarge version, just hover your mouse and Social Fixer will show its enlarged version to you.

4. Stay on Most Recent Feed Settings Permanently

Facebook has terrible habit to switch you back to “Top Stories” (without asking) even if you’ve choose the option “Most Recent” for your news feed to read only latest updates. Social Fixer fixes this issue and switch you back to “Most Recent” sort option if Facebook switches you to “Top Stories” without asking.

5. Hide Unwanted Sections From Facebook

If Social Fixer is activated, while browsing Facebook, you will see a small cross button at the corner of many section of your Facebook, clicking the cross button will remove those sections from your Facebook to make it more clean and uncluttered for you.

6. Fix Timeline Issues

Hate that two column layout? Well, Social Fixer will change it to single column layout, if you want. Moreover, you can hide unwanted things such as maps of check ins, movies, pages section from Facebook timelines for you.

7. Interesting Facebook Themes

Bored of that blueish Facebook theme? Social Fixer lets you customize your view of Facebook by letting you pick from a number of different themes. Or, just pick a new color from the color picker.

8. Other cool Facebook features

Features don’t end yet! Social Fixer have many othe features that makes it more productive for Facebook users. Some other cool features are:
  • Remove Photos From Facebook While Taking Screenshots To Stay Anomymous
  • See exact timestamp to post for any update instead of only related time such as “one hour ago”
  • Reply to comments. It will automatically tag the person who you are replying.
  • Quick navigation links. Browse any of your liked pages by choosing them from left column liked pages list.
  • If you know CSS, you can add your own custom styling and change almost everything on Facebook for you.
other features

How To Use Social Fixer?

Using Social Fixer is very easy. Just install and activate it on your browser, now at reload your Facebook page and you can see some wise changes on your Facebook such as extra options, more intelligent layout, etc. These all modifications are done by social fixer and you can modify it even further by using the provided options at the locations.

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