Thursday 12 June 2014

How To Get More Likes on Facebook

Whether you are a Social Media Marketer, A Celebrity, A Brand or common Facebook user. The number of likes, comments and shares you’re getting for your fanpages, status updates, photos matters a lot. It directly reflects, your popularity on Facebook which ‘matters’. Among these three factors (likes, comments and shares), Facebook likes is the most important factor people consider. So, to become very popular on Facebook you are required to increase your Facebook likes.
Although, your interactions with your fans and friends on Facebook may drive you good number of likes but to get expectionally high number of likes, you have to understand the behavior of your audience, whether they’re friends, fans or customers.
Now here through this Facebook Infographic from Kissmetrics, I am telling you which type of Facebook posts will get you more likes and engagement to your Facebook updates so that you can increase your popularity, importance, audience and brand awareness on Facebook.

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